Who are we?

Main Street Alliance is a Christ-Centered Christian & Missionary Alliance church, 

focused on knowing Jesus and making Him known: Here, There and Everywhere!


Our Story:

In 2017, we began the redevelopment of a church called King of Kings that had been in existence since the early 90’s. We believed that God was calling us to go a new way as we went back to the basics to discover the foundational purpose of the church, the Family of God. Ever since then, God has continued to show us new paths and new things to try to both reach out to our community and to grow those that God brings through the doors of Main Street Alliance Church. We see our facility as a gift that’s not just ours, but belongs to our Main Street congregation, our Spanish speaking congregation called Renacer, and to the many community groups that gather in this space. 

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, we were primarily a senior citizen congregation that lived on purpose, listened well, prayed faithfully and told the best stories. After the pandemic, as a church we saw a need in our community: providing summer childcare for grandparents and parents who were returning to work and needed a safe and fun atmosphere for their children. Our 2021 summer camp changed the makeup of our congregation and infused life and energy in the form of dozens of children and teens.

Today, we are a diverse congregation made up of people of all ages and backgrounds. We are amazed at the numerous opportunities we get to serve our community and to bring Good News into some of life’s hardest situations. God has called us to be a people that were created on purpose and for a purpose so that life transformation takes place in this generation and the generations to come. Main Street Alliance Church is a miracle story that is being written with each passing year, and there is no place we would rather be than right here and right now!

With expectation, 

Pastor Bob and Valerie Nash,

and your brothers and sisters at Main Street Alliance